What factors are related to keyword ranking?

We all hope that our keyword rankings will be improved, but how to improve keyword Google rankings is a long-term SEO scientific experiment. We will divide it into the following steps.

Step 1: Choose appropriate keywords

We recommend giving priority to keywords with low competition index. Low competition means that there are fewer web pages competing with you for this keyword, or the quality of the web pages is low. You can easily succeed in keyword rankings. You can refer to the competition level. The following indicators include:
a、Keyword competition provided by SEMRUSH, Ahrefs and other platforms.
b、Keyword bidding provided by Google Ads.
c、The number of relevant web pages provided by Google search results page
d、Page weight and page relevance of Google search results page
Normally, just refer to a and b; only very detailed keyword research will consider options c and d.

Step 2: Research the search intent of keywords

You can focus on SERP functions and what Google search results look like, with a preference for pictures, videos, or products. Assume that all the Google results for the search term are products, then Google has determined that the corresponding search term based on the big data results, the user is looking for products. In this case, it is useless for us to create a bunch of Blogs based on this search term.

Step 3: Create appropriate high-quality pages for keywords

The definition of high-quality pages includes: web page structure with excellent loading performance, scarce page copywriting, and page functions that provide high value to users.
Web page structure with excellent performance: You can refer to page performance in Google Search Console.
Scarcity page copywriting: If your page format is a blog, focus on the originality of the copywriting; if your page format is a product, focus on the uniqueness of the product description and the number of high-quality reviews.
Provide high-value page functions to users: Does your page meet the core demands of search users? Assuming that the user’s search term is in the form of a question, does the answer on your page solve the user’s search needs? Assume that the user’s search term is to find a video , do you place high-quality videos on your page? In the same way, it is crucial to create your page based on the user’s search needs, such as reviews, pictures, jobs and other information.

Step 4: Create a good scale of external links

Usually, keywords with low competition do not require external links. As long as your site has a good history, it is easy to obtain the initial ranking. However, for keywords with a certain degree of competition, if the page quality of multiple competitors is similar to yours, you need to create high-quality external links to win in the keyword rankings.
External links focus on two indicators:
A. Whether the external link you created is relevant to you, and whether the quality of the page where the external link is located and the quality of the site where the external link is located are high quality.
B. How many external links have you created and distributed on how many sites? Are you already ahead of your competitors?

About ID Ranking

The above are some experiences of obtaining Google keyword rankings shared by ID Ranking for your reference. ID Ranking provides a free Google keyword ranking checking tool, which will continue to be iterated in the future. Everyone is welcome to try it.

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